our stories and our voices are beautiful

My experiences have shown me that nature is vital to our mental and physical well-being, but it’s not an even playing field. Not all groups have the access to the outdoors that I have been privileged to experience. The ways in which consumer society is exploiting nature is having a devastating impact on the thing we love and value so highly.

As a writer, advocate and mechanic I am proud to use my voice and my skills to help create the changes we need in order to open up the outdoors to all folk and to reduce waste so that we are able to enjoy it going forwards.

I am involved with several organisations who are all working to make these changes a reality. We are sharing our voices and stories and campaigning for change.

Re-action collective


We formed Re-Action to challenge product marketing that tells us we need shiny new, highly technical kit to access the outdoors. We live in the outdoors and we know this isn’t true.

We also know a lack of access to basic outdoor kit and absence of community are barriers to people getting outside and active for the benefit of their physical and mental health.

all the elements cic

The UK outdoors has a diversity problem.

Large segments of our population are underrepresented, under promoted & under supported in our outdoor spaces and related careers. This needs to change.

The good news is that there are individuals, community groups & organisations working to create change.

All the Elements is our community.

loud mobility

My daughter CeCe is one of the role model’s for Loud Mobility’s She’s Electric campaign which is aiming to get one million women e-cycling.

Loud Mobility is working to raise the volume of joyful sustainable journeys.