ADVENTURE and Events


mindful mechanics - group session

Sunday 27 June - 2pm - 5pm (Canterbury, Kent)

Small group, basic bike mechanics lessons. Suitable for all riding disciplines. Covering:

  • M-check

  • Gear indexing

  • Brake setting

  • Tyre removal and puncture repair

£45 per person; click on the link above for more information and to book your place

resilient riders - Days

Thursday 17 June, 9.30am - 2pm (Canterbury, Kent) - Faster, more confident riders

Friday 16 July, 10am - 2pm (Reculver, Kent) - Returning riders

If you’ve not been on a bike for a while or are looking for a bit of extra knowledge to get you out and about with family and friends, this is the perfect course for you!

  • Basic bike maintenance (puncture repairs, tools to carry)

  • How to find rides in your area

  • Social ride taking in roads and cycle ways

  • Coffee & cake on arrival

  • Bring a picnic

Cost: £55 (inc water bottle and bag worth £15)

Click on the link below for more info and ticket sales - 6 spaces maximum


Resilient riders - longer rides!

Wye gravel ride - 40km

Friday 25 June, 10am - 1pm

The first of the Resilient Riders longer distance rides - a great way to push your comfort zone, try a longer ride and build your confidence!

Social paced ride from Harbledown (CT2) to Wye and back. Using lanes and cycleways - this lovely route takes you out through the Kent countryside to the beautiful village of Wye. Coffee stop at Wye and return to Harbledown.

Full mechanics support and qualified ride leadership

COST: £35 per person, max 5 places


savvy sisters - 4 webinars

Ever wondered if spending that extra money on a higher spec bike was worth it?

Join me and Emily, from Sisters Who Shred, for a series of 4 webinars. Using the same model we will explain the pros and cons of the spec across three different price points.

21/4/21 - Brakes, Forks & Wheels

5/5/21 - Handlebars, Headset, Stem & Frame

19/5/21 - Bottom Bracket, Dropper Post & Saddle

9/6/21 - Groupset, Cranks & Shock

Sessions: 7.30pm (BST) for 1 hr online

Tickets: £5.98 per session

Click on the link below for more info and ticket sales


Resilient Riders - groups - 5 week course

autumn - Friday am’s - starting 24 Sept 2021- £165

A brand new course for those who are returning to cycling or just getting started.

Riding in a variety of venues within a 10 mile radius of Canterbury, this course will teach you how to:

  • Safety check your bike

  • Fix punctures

  • Change a tyre

  • Find on-road and traffic-free cycle routes

  • Build confidence cycling on the roads in coastal, urban and rural locations

  • Build your stamina and confidence cycling longer distances

10am-12.30pm - 24/9; 1/10; 8/10; 15/10; 22/10

£165 for 5 sessions including free water bottle and kit bag (worth £15)

Come and discover the joy of cycling and how to incorporate it into your daily life.

3 month, 121 course - limited places available

mindful mechanics

zoom - ONLINE

Now more than ever we need our bikes to bring us time to breathe, time to enjoy a simple pleasure and escape from reality. Bikes offer us vital head space, whether that is on the trails or on a daily commute, but niggling faults or even the fear of a ‘mechanical’ can limit that freedom and joy.

What is your goal?

Whatever your starting point and whatever your riding style, I will share my knowledge and passion for mechanics. I will help you understand how your bike works and know that you can handle issues that arise.

Teaching online means that we are Covid-safe, but it is also a great way to turbo-charge your mindset, developing resilience and confidence. You learn to trust your instincts. A mix of teaching and ‘homework’ between sessions means that you are able to practice and embed what you are learning.

Through this bespoke 3 month course I will teach you the skills and build your confidence so that you can ride without fear!

Cost: Early bird price £300 (paid in full) or £125/month


Regardless of your current skill level Vicky can train you to be able to do the key repairs to your bike to be able to keep your event/race alive. This combined with a proper review of the repair kits and spares you carry could make all the difference to your next long distance event and frankly any ride.
— Kevin Frances, Great British Divide